NEW: 1 kg!
Fertilizer for hop
Hop shows an enormous capacity in growth and increase in mass from May to early August. In this time, the nutrient requirements are high according to the growth. Fertilization makes sense. Using our hop-fertilizer you have an easy way to feed your hops with everything it needs for healthy development!
The fertilization is very easy to apply because it is grained. It must be done only at long intervals.
You can simply put the granules on the ground around the plant and work them in easily. The nutrients in the soil are released by biological processes and are available for the plants.
The clay ...
... binds the nutrients and ensures a high adsorption capacity,
... reduces the risk of overdosing by buffering the nutrients,
... produces a long-term effect due to the delayed release of the nutrients,
... prevents leaching.
Of course you also can fertilize other plants!
8% Gesamtstickstoff
2% P2O5
7% K2O
2% MgO
Paperbag containing 1,0 kg fertilizer