For proper fertilization of hops an understanding for its growth and development is necessary.
Depending on solar radiation, soil conditions and temperature, hops can grow very quickly needing a higher level of nutrients correspondingly.
As already described in other articles, the buffering capacity of the soil and its basic supply should be known. With this background knowledge, it is not difficult to feed hops properly and keep the plants healthy.
The main growing phase is between May and July. During this time, hops produce mass and therefore more energy should be available to them.
The main focus is on the water supply, as this nutrient acts as a carrier for the other elements needed.
Fertilisation is useful in the main growing phase. The required nutrients can be given in mineral form with the irrigation water, but also in organic form. For both possibilities, the same applies as for other living beings taken into care: it is better to "feed" the hops more often but at shorter intervals and in lower concentrations.
Mineral fertilizer is better to handle, easier to apply and quicker to react; however, the well-known disadvantages are accepted. Organic fertilization requires more empathy and understanding for biological connections, but is better for the environment. Hops is an "easy to care plant" and therefore organic fertilization should not pose too great a problem. This feeding method naturally reaches its limits in a potted plant culture. For these and similar cases, we have included a mineral liquid fertilizer in our range. You can find it in our online shop!
Depending on solar radiation, soil conditions and temperature, hops can grow very quickly needing a higher level of nutrients correspondingly.
As already described in other articles, the buffering capacity of the soil and its basic supply should be known. With this background knowledge, it is not difficult to feed hops properly and keep the plants healthy.
The main growing phase is between May and July. During this time, hops produce mass and therefore more energy should be available to them.
The main focus is on the water supply, as this nutrient acts as a carrier for the other elements needed.
Fertilisation is useful in the main growing phase. The required nutrients can be given in mineral form with the irrigation water, but also in organic form. For both possibilities, the same applies as for other living beings taken into care: it is better to "feed" the hops more often but at shorter intervals and in lower concentrations.
Mineral fertilizer is better to handle, easier to apply and quicker to react; however, the well-known disadvantages are accepted. Organic fertilization requires more empathy and understanding for biological connections, but is better for the environment. Hops is an "easy to care plant" and therefore organic fertilization should not pose too great a problem. This feeding method naturally reaches its limits in a potted plant culture. For these and similar cases, we have included a mineral liquid fertilizer in our range. You can find it in our online shop!