
Hop breeding is aimed for the requirements of the brewing industry, which accounts for more than 90% of the hops cultivated worldwide.
Therefore hop varieties are divided into 'bitter varieties' and ‘aromatic varieties'. Classification is determined when the variety is approved and depends on how high the bitter substance content in alpha acid is to be expected in the respective variety. The discrimination limit is about 10% alpha acid.
Natually, 'bitter varieties' contain as well aromas and 'aroma varieties' contain bitter substances. They contribute the distinctive bitter taste of our beer.
Many other hop ingredients are often not known or become significant later on.
For example one hops incredient "Xanthohumol" is used in cancer research.
The following table describes the varieties with regard to the contents of the ingredients. The data are average values and depend naturally strongly on environmental influences!
Source: Hopfen-Rundschau International 2002/2003 Green Pages S 9-15
Bitterstoffe |
Aromastoffe |
Sonstige |
In folgender Tabelle sind die Sorten im Hinblick auf die Gehalte des Inhaltsstoffs "Alpha" verglichen.
Die Quelle dieser Daten ist die Hopfen-Rundschau 11/2005 Seite 290
Die Daten stammen aus unterschiedlichen Anbaugebieten:
Ha. = Hallertau
Te. = Tettnang
Sp. = Spalt
ES = Elbe-Saale
SLO = Slowenien
CZ = Tschechien
PL = Polen
Hallertauer (Ha.)
Hersbrucker (Ha.)
Saphir (Ha.)
Perle (Ha.)
Select (Ha.)
Tradition (Ha.)
North. Brewer (Ha.)
Magnum (Ha.)
Nugget (Ha.)
Taurus (Ha.)
Merkur (Ha.)
Tettnanger (Te.)
Hallertauer (Te.)
Spalter (Sp.)
North. Brewer (ES)
Magnum (ES)
Aurora (SLO)
Saazer (CZ)
Lubliner (PL)