Instructions of care

Instructions of care

The correct care is essential for thriving and healthy plants.

Hops is a perennial but not evergreen plant, which means it can only be partially used for the purpose of a blind (hedge, greening of fences) from June to September.
Hop grows a woody, absolutely winter-hardy root which starts sprouting annually in April. Its treatment varies with its purpose. For the purpose of surface coverage remove only a few or no shoots, wheras to obtain high, solitary plants remove all but a few shoots (3-4).
The same goes for planting density. To grow a hedge 2-3 plants per meter should be sufficient. Hop requires a climbing aid (strong wire, trellis, pole,...) which should be quite tall regarding the high vigorousness of growth that marks hops!
A cultivation is also possible in containers like pots, if a constant supply of nutrients including  H2O can be ensured!


The better the location of the hops, the smaller the risk of diseases and vermin.  A good location offers deep, loose and nutrient-rich soils facing south-easterly or south-westerly, e.g around a terrace.
The more restricted the location of the plant is (poor soil, unequal distribution of nutrients, big differences in temperature) the more demanding is its preservation.


If planted  in natural soil note the following: hops prefers deep soil with  well-balanced moisture (pH 6,0-6,5) and a humid and warm climate in summer. Nutrient claims increase according to growth rates: fertilize if necessary with one spoonful of  slowly acting fertilzer containing nitrogen and potassium (Nitrophoska permanent, Triabon or similar) or  corresponding organic fertilzer (composts, manure). Start fertilizing  at an average height of about 0,5 m every 4 - 5 weeks and continue to mid-Augst.

As mentioned above, the  cultivation of hops is also possible  in containers and pots. The followiong guidelines should be kept:
The hop plant should be repotted into a container with a diameter of at least 18 cm. A good, stable potting soil is suffient, but a special container soil preferable. To economise on the quality of the substrate would be saving at the wrong end! Ensure a well balanced moisture when watering, avoiding a waterlog. Fertilize as with other potplants regularly when watering with a liquid  of 0,2-0,4% of a well balanced full nutrient fertilzer once or twice a week. A climbing aid is also required in a pot. Use a wire or a pole with a length of at least 1,5 m.

Here you can download and/or print a short cultivation guide in differen languages:
